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You won't find happiness. You need to create it!

We all face struggles in life and long for happiness to make us feel better. By clicking on this blog it's obvious you have experienced this at some point. I'm grateful you are here so that you can explore this further with me.

When you are very happy you automatically bubbly and full of life, even if you are sick you will still be happy. So in my mind being happy is a kind of joyfulness that you have power over. Some people struggle to maintain it or create it.

How often have you heard or said "I need to find my happiness" or "my happiness will find me". I agree that coincidences sometimes do happen.

Why live in hope when you can create your own happiness?

We are too busy living a routine life that we lose track of our desires and needs that will fulfill us to make us feel happy. We to busy helping others and putting their needs and wants before ours. Sometimes making others happy makes us happy. Why can't we just make ourselves happy, to begin with?

Stop giving away your power!

  • How often do we make decisions based on others people's perceptions?

  • How often do you stop doing what you love in fear of repercussions from others?

  • Have you stopped putting yourself first because of guilt over disappointing others?

  • How about wanting to express your feelings but fear rejection?

  • Do you rather avoid doing things that you enjoy and make you happy for fear of being judged or criticized?

We can identify with the problem but we don't know how to bypass or overcome it. There are solutions to the problem. I attended life coaching sessions to help me identify with my personal blockages that I had to overcome to move forward in order to create my happy space.

How do you, start your journey to happiness, you ask?

Honestly, I can't tell you. I can help guide you but I can't tell you. Creating your happiness is different for everyone. We all have different desires and needs to feel happy. I'm sure you would agree with me on this.

Some people don't like to journal, but I find writing brings out deeper genuine feelings that you might desire and need to feel happy. Even if we know what we need, sometimes we need to write it and read it to really come to terms with it. Maybe some fear that others will read it and judge you. I suggest you type it in your notes pad on your cell phone or find a safe place but please start to journal.

  • Step 1: Identify what you need to make yourself happy.

  • Step 2: What have you previously done to achieve the fulfillment of your happiness goal?

  • Step 3: What other options do you have to secure achieving your goal?

  • Step 4: Put things in place and set deadlines.

  • Step 5: If you are still feeling stuck please speak to your support structure, a friend, or a family member or look into speaking to a life coach.

I have taken different courses to understand things to better myself and I will continue to educate myself further. Self-empowerment and introspection only help create a better happier me.

Don't give up on yourself. Know your worth!

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